Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera fight on air

Duration: 06:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 13:17:10
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april 5 2007


Luffynigga11 ::: Favorites
every1 enters the U.S. illegaly everyday even EUROPEANS and plus the U.s. Is a Meltin pot of All RacES
07-09-01 15:32:09
ginerlynn ::: Favorites
I think they are both blowhards,but this IS about drunk driving,so I am with Geraldo. The authorities should either have incarcerated or deported this asshole long ago. Debate immigration another time. His citizehship status does not make that girl either more or less dead.
07-06-20 11:40:46
Suz45 ::: Favorites
Have to agree. Some drunk kills my kid and I find out he was arrested for the dwi several times before,I am after the cops,not the border patrol.
07-06-20 11:49:14
MrEdwardRMurrows ::: Favorites
07-06-20 03:15:38

Legend of Zelda (NES) 2nd Quest Ending

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 17:50:35
User: Artificialraven
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This is the ending you get on your 2nd time through.


PandaFau ::: Favorites
Thats it thank you!!!!1
07-09-16 00:48:07
cool!! you passed the game with 0 continues. awesome!!
07-08-21 21:29:48
YukiNagaOfHaruSuzu ::: Favorites
Nice, nice...
07-08-17 11:18:45
PatrickDenmark ::: Favorites
nesrobot: Because it was his "nickname".
07-07-22 07:13:12
hollakarate ::: Favorites
cone-headed bastards
07-07-20 17:05:37
nesrobot ::: Favorites
Why do they call Miyamoto, Miyahon?
07-07-12 14:23:09
JonseySquarepants ::: Favorites
whats the difference
07-06-30 02:13:47
kommisar ::: Favorites
The only difference I can see is in the 1st one Link didn't get the Red Ring and Zelda was white like Link and the text when all the shit scrolled up was different.
07-07-16 00:34:06


Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-21 12:08:27
User: BorkaBonum
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Som skabbe säger: Toys'R'us är fascister. "Invigningsfest" på Toys'R'Us på Backaplan, det var mer väktare än kunder där lovar jag.


DunderQBrak ::: Favorites
vänta nu... Kommunister, antifascister,raggare/elviswannabe,ghettowannabes.. Alla i samma skara...hahaha. Ni borde slå elviswannaben för han är sydstatare och hatar negrer, antifascisterna bör även slå kommunisterna för dom är fascister, ghettobarnen bör skjuta allihoppa för dom har haft sån svår uppväxt..
07-01-21 20:55:21
IsKraem ::: Favorites
hahaha... Abdi e ju bara cool ^^ // Henk (om du kommer ihåg mig)
06-08-22 14:15:05
mooseball ::: Favorites
??? what so funny with that?
06-08-14 17:01:22
BorkaBonum ::: Favorites
Detta var framförallt för de personer som var delaktiga så dom inte behöver lipa för att de inte sett videon.
06-09-05 14:57:21

The Legendary perverted hermit super mario 64 remix (rock)

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-06 17:46:59
User: Marthx
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it's is funny and guarantee you never heard this is mix


KHArcher292 ::: Favorites
what episode is this?
07-06-27 22:26:22
Jennifer2456 ::: Favorites
07-06-01 20:18:22
SCLars ::: Favorites
where u got the music from plz post a link or say the program
07-05-28 14:59:42
TuzoidCT ::: Favorites
07-04-10 19:06:23
KnightSauro ::: Favorites
i like the music too but the clip sucks (naruto rocks!)
07-03-21 10:13:58
BotNoob ::: Favorites
lol...i like the musik
07-03-21 08:33:06

My Favorite Hannah Montana Clip (Chipmunk)

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 12:46:54
User: Rosalina121
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This is one of my favorite clips from Hannah Montana! And there is only one thing that could improve it more, Chipmunk!


Medalyn09 ::: Favorites
lol sounds funny!
07-08-21 22:06:47
lilpolka253 ::: Favorites
yay 2nd!! oh it was Hilarious i couldn't stop laughing
07-07-19 12:31:09
sunnyblonde93 ::: Favorites
very funny and cute
07-07-11 17:44:34

Como matar a un hombre - momento simpson

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-26 13:29:13
User: cjimix
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Escena de los simpson del episodio del pez volador, cuando burns contrata a un asesino para matar a abe simpson


gonza6389 ::: Favorites
si pues el suramericano ese raro ya flipas
07-09-06 20:26:17
DRACULA2981 ::: Favorites
el doblaje de españa apesta
07-09-03 01:38:16
vlizarage ::: Favorites
juasjuas, de los mejores!!
07-03-02 15:21:08
minbe ::: Favorites
jajajajaja esa escena es wenisima!! simpsons x siempre! xD
06-09-01 18:08:00


Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-28 10:18:06
User: ilike2burnthing
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a13x4 ::: Favorites
I've gotta say I loved this vid.
07-05-24 11:00:29
olirocker123 ::: Favorites
sorry but this video is shit get it looks like shit haha
07-04-14 13:54:29
killerkisskisskiss ::: Favorites
You know what they say... don't judge a book by it's cover... so uh, don't judge something chocolately by it's shit-like appearance... yes, thats what they say?
07-01-05 23:34:30
littlepandaexpress ::: Favorites
BAD DAVID!!!! poor boys don't even understand what you just said about them hahaha but Oooooers i want that chocolate!
06-12-28 13:38:35
NOTurAVERAGEgirl ::: Favorites
Oh my goodness that looked quite...grody. I'm glad you liked it though...Whoo-hoo 1st comment!
06-12-28 11:50:01

Church Security

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 12:21:59
User: Flemgrill
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Think Church is easy to go to now a days? THINK AGAIN!


seabbott ::: Favorites
funny stuff... good job
07-07-27 14:29:53
femegrill ::: Favorites
hey sam this is david it was great
07-07-21 20:38:06
thatssooperdooper ::: Favorites
haha u gave me an idea! yay thanks cutie
07-07-21 16:15:15

Domino-Dave _ LOST style

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-03 15:23:06
User: agent47crows
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I did it in my spare time, today and just thought it would be an excellent ending for LOST. But why LOST when you can have DAVE ;))


toaster99soke ::: Favorites
lol ok cool, well it was a good demonstration of the capabilities of Blender3D, didn't mean to be insulting, always love Blender videos :D
07-03-22 22:17:35
toaster99soke ::: Favorites
Doesn't make any sense
07-03-22 15:14:17
agent47crows ::: Favorites
Yea, so? Art nouveau makes no sense, or at least I am told so. This was just a demo, to see if I can modify speed. Feel free NOT to say anything insulting, so everyone will have a good time. Thanks!
07-03-22 15:56:47

winona rider en south park

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-26 09:01:11
User: sasuke22dante
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aparicion de winona rider en la pelicula de south park


fetish2006 ::: Favorites
SteyrAUG likes ball in his face
07-09-18 17:19:47
kimgymnastchickh ::: Favorites
CAMAZONDATING dot COM for the hottest adult webcam dating site!
07-08-19 01:04:16
JorginhoxD ::: Favorites
°l||l°(¯`·._.·[(¯`•¸·´¯)Look at my video, it calls chelito superman(¯`·¸•´¯)]·._.·´¯)°l||l°
07-07-22 13:24:37
7xSoTox7 ::: Favorites
07-05-24 10:00:21

School Shooting Taber Alberta 1999

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-17 01:16:53
User: TashaRules
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This video is about the school shooting that took place in Taber Alberta Canada in 1999 just 8 days after the Columbine shooting in USA


outrageous14 ::: Favorites
OMG this is relle sad. I live in Calgary and Jason's dad came to our school to talk about his son and the tragedy.
07-09-05 19:39:40
Cran64 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I've heard about it too. Fun fact: I went to Myers and Graduated from there.
07-08-21 00:52:31
TashaRules ::: Favorites
Yeah i used to live by taber my mom worked a Lamweston and we lived in a little village called Grassy Lake and we arived at grassy about a year after it happend.
07-08-21 00:54:18
Alias1983 ::: Favorites
Yeah. I graduated from there in 2002. Was there when it happened and was best friends with the guy who did it. Really sad. Were you living in Taber when all this took place Cran64?
07-08-28 13:42:15
Cran64 ::: Favorites
No, I moved into Barnwell in 2000/01 then went to Myers in 2005 (by bus)and graduated in this year. Must have been real scary if you were there.
07-08-28 16:07:02
zabitken ::: Favorites
Very touching....
07-06-19 16:03:01
k6tpl ::: Favorites
Tasha it is so very sad that kid like to bully other young people! And we old people have to figure out how to stop it! But part of the plan the Bully has, is to make sure we are not told about it!
07-06-17 10:21:04

Banlieue 13 - Noots (Sum 41)

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 16:24:40
User: jrserpa
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"13º Distrito" Hope U like it ;P


10chances ::: Favorites
07-09-21 23:17:54
Zezzimo ::: Favorites
cool song :)
07-09-16 04:38:22
NorrisPimp ::: Favorites
NINJA OMNITRES!!! "How'd you make a profession out of imagining you could write? That's a pretty sweet gig! I'm gonna become a fantasy billionaire!, 'Dude, you have ta gimme that car....I'm pretending it's mine'!"
07-09-11 23:01:07
jrserpa ::: Favorites
the original? no no! i made it! ;) ehaiuheia
07-07-12 03:05:56
elora182 ::: Favorites this the original clip?
07-07-11 19:13:50
jrserpa ::: Favorites
Sum 41 - "Noots" ;)
07-07-07 16:48:00
maggot653 ::: Favorites
awesome fuckin vid good job!!!!!!
07-08-11 11:18:58
snapple96 ::: Favorites
whats the song called?
07-07-07 15:30:08
NorrisPimp ::: Favorites
Awesome Everything!! Great Video!!!!
07-06-29 13:38:15
pvtzemerak ::: Favorites
awesome song
07-05-20 13:22:57

GTA III: Chatterbox FM Part IV

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-25 13:01:32
User: GtaTournament
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GTA3 - Chatterbox FM


WoWFanatic5000 ::: Favorites
We'll send you a giraffe, overnight. ROFLMAO!!!!!!
07-08-06 03:21:21
giantpedro ::: Favorites
I do feel sorry for your little Johnny the 7 yrs old-cook-chimney sweaper-paralegal photocopier - Lol!
07-07-31 12:55:23
giantpedro ::: Favorites
sorry for your little johnny the 7 yrs old cook-
07-07-31 12:54:03
getwhatyouneed ::: Favorites
i lovvve chatterbox
07-07-10 16:59:49