Monday, September 10, 2007

EDs = Escape Mechanism (video response)

Duration: 06:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 15:54:06
User: nonamavi
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This is a video response to unperfectisback's latest video:

Aro2220 ::: Favorites
i think unperfect isn't brave at all. i think she just wants attention since she's obviously proud of being nothing but skin and bones. That, and she said that herself (she loves bones). nonam is much prettier. physically yes, but more significally - MENTALLY. She cares about other people, and she isn't self destructive, and she's probably much healthier as a result. That's much, much, much more attractive to someone else than being skin and bones and emotionally distraught...
07-08-22 17:16:00
CSX1023 ::: Favorites
Youre pretty!
07-07-28 20:42:52
jesussaves36 ::: Favorites
God bless you, you are good with speaking your mind God is in charge ...remember this scripture Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding God Bless
07-07-26 13:27:56
Sweetnlow470 ::: Favorites
Hey! Haven't heard from you in a while, hope you are doing ok =]
07-07-06 14:05:24
jennfriedman ::: Favorites
actually, i'm going to update my livejournal and just send it to you. i'll make a separate group so that only you can read it.
07-07-03 21:15:33
jennfriedman ::: Favorites
hey! i tried sending you a message but it didn't let me. can i have your email? thanks. :)
07-07-03 21:14:29
sophiegirl1 ::: Favorites
I love you! Have I ever told you that? Not in a sexual way. I just love how you express yourself.
07-07-03 01:57:31
sophiegirl1 ::: Favorites
I totally understand your thoughts of when you say "I can't stand myself!" I feel that way CONSTANTLY! I want to get rid of myself and the hate that I feel for me. I don't like who I am or who I have become. SUCKS BALLS!
07-07-03 01:54:44
WhatLiSaid ::: Favorites
Yes, that's it exactly! Fantastic response.
07-07-02 13:49:25
WhatLiSaid ::: Favorites
I believe ED's root problem is extreme self-hate. For me, I didn't even think I deserved food and I felt I had to starve to punish myself because I wasn't the person I wanted to be.
07-07-02 13:41:58

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