Friday, September 21, 2007

One Luv To LisaNova

Duration: 08:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 11:21:37
User: Barry20032007
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I was going to do this video like next week but felt like it couldn't wait so I decided to do it and explain how I feel about LisaNova's Situation in general. I felt she made people aware of spamming and what's going on in Youtube including LisaNova Hater Spams and Porn Spammers. Here's my opipon to this and that it was well executed and thought out. I also explain the situation about CommunityChannel comparing LisaNova to Porn Spammers which I thought was wrong. I also explain why the LisaNova Pays Out CommunityChannel video was a low blow in general and explain a bit why she should have done a blog in the first place. But Anyway One Luv Lisa. Its time to move on and focus on new material in general. Well Done Barry


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07-08-13 02:56:25
SlowChocolateAutopsy ::: Favorites
I'm with you mate, one luv to LisaNova! I don't care what people say, she makes awesome videos, and she also sent me a personal reply on my channel after I replied to one of her supposed 'spam' comments. Some people need to get off their high horse about the whole situation and get their facts straight. Nice one mate! 5* :)
07-08-10 14:11:52
Barry20032007 ::: Favorites
Exactly she did send me one of them supposed spams and send two normal comments saying thanks for subscribing.
07-08-10 14:18:34
smilebeforeudie ::: Favorites
Doesn't Lisa Nova spams?
07-08-11 17:19:18
Barry20032007 ::: Favorites
I heard about that but all i care is that she makes good videos.
07-08-12 05:15:41

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