Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unexcused Absence (Movie Trailer)

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-28 01:06:41
User: SakuraKoigokoro
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What would your school do if the teachers were missing? This 2-year whole-school project was written, directed, and performed completely by students and faculty at Progress Village Magnet Middle School for the Arts -- and now it's here! Progress Village Middle Magnet School of the Arts, is proud to present: "Unexcused Absence". ~ Thanks for the nice commments you guys! I'm currently an eigth grader there for the 2007-2008 year. :3 Those who graduated, congrats, and I hope you have a successful future ahead. The movie did really great, and I loved the trailer though I couldn't see it or get it on DVD sadly. v__v Oh well. Enjoy. :3

gaarakiba990 ::: Favorites
hes a 7th grader now He has longish brown hair and he short..
07-09-12 16:36:46
SakuraKoigokoro ::: Favorites
I think... >_>
07-09-12 16:34:39
gaarakiba990 ::: Favorites
have u ever heard of Alex Lubeck???
07-09-11 20:41:54
gaarakiba990 ::: Favorites
cool im in this school i wasnt in this though cuz ima 6th grader this year
07-08-28 18:56:46
SakuraKoigokoro ::: Favorites
x] Good to hear.
07-08-06 01:29:59
SakuraKoigokoro ::: Favorites
Oh awesome! :D
07-08-06 01:28:55
SakuraKoigokoro ::: Favorites
I know. T___T I was an art freak. xD Even though two of my friends left, I keep thinking I'm never going to see any of my friends again. o_O Wierd...
07-08-06 01:28:23
whizkidforte ::: Favorites
Oh, I mean Ms. Scourtes!
07-08-01 13:46:50
whizkidforte ::: Favorites
I see Ms. Scoutes at 00:15-00:17! She was my 6th grade homeroom teacher in the 2001-2002 school year!!! YIPY! :D
07-08-01 13:46:25
meowmix14 ::: Favorites
lol i go 2 tat skool ^^ i'm gonna be an 8th grader this year!!! :D WOOT!!! xD
07-07-31 12:16:09

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