Monday, October 8, 2007

ETQW beta strog air vehicle

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 22:59:58
User: Hezzy18
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i can't fly for shit


j3n0cid3 ::: Favorites
its called a Tormentor..not mosquito
07-09-29 13:46:20
mattopullen ::: Favorites
me + flying = this vid :D
07-09-11 07:20:39
moondy11 ::: Favorites
number 1 one rule about insulting someone or something, learn to spell or your just embarrassing yourself
07-09-08 13:25:33
Jamrasta ::: Favorites
Lol thats exactly like the first time i flew that thing!
07-07-03 07:09:23
Nemacyst117 ::: Favorites
Nice flying!
07-06-21 10:05:55
RoboDucky5 ::: Favorites
rofl funny, but don't forget to point out bugs to SD guys!
07-06-19 13:58:53
imprezatt ::: Favorites
just like your weiner.
07-06-19 10:44:46
frankieXy2 ::: Favorites
07-06-19 10:22:47
manguvigo ::: Favorites
It's pretty hard to fly one of those things, I get same results yesterday xD.
07-06-19 06:17:06
thehowieman ::: Favorites
Going to be alot of that at the start! :)
07-06-19 06:11:28

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