Saturday, October 6, 2007

Give Thanks to Allah - by M.Jackson??

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-13 13:02:46
User: alsunna
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Islam is the way to Paradise. Jesus is a well honored and respected man in Islam, but Musims do not consider him a God nor part of God, rather he is a creation. God is not a creation, God is eternal. HE is the creator of everything, and no one deserves to be worshipped but God (Allah). Jesus and Muhammad are the Prophets of Allah. * Lyrics Correction: Praise Allah (not prays). We thank God (Allah) and Praise him, He Has power over all creations. He is the creator of everything, he has no partners and He is clear from needing any of his creations, whatever you imagine in your mind, Allah is different from that. Islamic Info: Islamic songs: "Give Thanks to Allah" - by Michael Jackson? Is it Michael Jackson? or Zain Bkhita? Or Cat Stevens (Yussuf Islam)? Some people said that it's Cat Stevens chant (Yusuf Islam, the british singer who converted to Islam) and Some say it's Zain Bhikha another African Muslim singer, but after verification to the voice many of MJ's fans said that it is Michael Jackson's voice. He made this song after he moved to Dubai and was taught about Islam. Michael Jackson's brother embraced Islam, yet it has not been announced that MJ has embraced it. God is very Forgiving and very Merciful. We wish guidance to all the people, even our worst enemies, we Ask Allah to guide them to correct faith, the religion of all Prophets, Islam. O Allah fill our hearts with loving you, and loving those who love you, make our leaders among the intelligent serving pious. ameen. CBS reports that Michale "JACKSON SHOWS ISLAM SUPPORT WITH MOSQUE" they said: he "has sparked further speculation he is on the verge of converting to Islam, after pledging to erect a mosque in his adopted home of Bahrain."


turkoize111 ::: Favorites
OOOOOOOOhh , you should do an ivistagation abt that . coz if it is by a Muslim person, that will make us happy .However , if it is by a non Muslim that will make us happier. thx anyway to the singer.
07-10-05 19:18:23
pakipimps ::: Favorites
07-10-04 22:36:11
preezo007 ::: Favorites
No one has the power than Allah{s.w}
07-10-04 16:33:06
FamilyGuy521 ::: Favorites
no it isnt its zain bikhia
07-10-04 14:16:01
alsunna ::: Favorites
Truly, there's no one more beloved on earth then Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He's loved by more then one billion Muslims on earth! And he is esteemed and loved even by non-Muslims for his justice and kindness. Despite all the lies made, but only if they knew his great value!. Also know that Jesus is loved and valued by Muslims more then anyone else claims.
07-10-04 10:22:55
alsunna ::: Favorites
Prophet Muhammad had the hight manners and ethics. He was very humble and modest. He was not attached to worldly matters. And everyone knows that he even married more then one wife to spread Islam. His Wife ^Aishah was the most knowledgable woman on earth she used to educate both women and men about the rules of religion. She taught about the humble life of Prophet Jesus and about Moses and how they all came with the same religion.
07-10-04 10:19:45
adamgirl16 ::: Favorites
07-10-04 09:46:09
wanaajiye ::: Favorites
allah is great
07-10-03 12:40:28
alsunna ::: Favorites
This video has a good message, and it is that God created us, He owns us, He made us, He only deserves to be worshipped and obeyed. And we must follow his Prophets like Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, they all call with Islam. Islam is the religion of peace and sound mind. Despite all the propaganda it's still the fastest growing religion on earth. Click (alsunna) See the rest of my Vids to learn more.
07-10-03 10:19:11
alsunna ::: Favorites
Subhanallah. That's my goal, that people enjoy the words, who cares who sang it it could be true that's it's MJ and may not be.. but the words are what's important.
07-10-03 10:13:13

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