Monday, October 29, 2007

Komisarek Hits Tucker

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-08 18:49:12
User: DonFu23
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Habs defensemen Mike Komisarek LAYS OUT Toronto's Darcy Tucker


k98headshots ::: Favorites
thats a good hit i dont care if he got right back up he didnt he felt that one for a while...Darcy Tucker Sucks i bet he boarded someone or slashed someone in revenge later causes hes a little bitch
07-10-20 15:57:48
Thiefo1 ::: Favorites
1 cup before the nhl and 23 more in the nhl = 24 cups
07-10-15 16:18:57
damien1169 ::: Favorites
y do ppl say 23 last time I checked IT WAS 24 and i bet tucker couldnt feel his body after that
07-10-08 16:30:36
damien1169 ::: Favorites
mojo man taking it to far with the koivu thing man go FUCK YOUR SELF U LITTLE FAGGOT go to ur daddy ask what a blowjob is and ask him to demistrate it to u I FUCKING HATE U HOPE U DIE go habs go lol
07-10-08 16:28:17
videoguy07x ::: Favorites
Komisarus. REX!
07-08-08 11:49:33
videoguy07x ::: Favorites
well lets talk now about the maturity of leafs fans! o-0
07-08-08 11:44:23
Link67 ::: Favorites
Yea after he was nearly taken out of his skates, who cares if he got right back up, alot of players get right back up, but the hit was vicious and devastating, i'm sorry you leaf fans have to try your best to defend anything your "Shit dont stink" players do, but Tucker got owned right here, plain and simple, even a fkin retard could figure that one out, which makes you a damn fkin retard.
07-07-27 17:41:35
NikolaiVasiliy ::: Favorites
He got right up after it too like it was nothing.
07-07-26 01:11:44
poptarts4567 ::: Favorites
go habs go!!!!!
07-07-24 10:07:46
wboyce39 ::: Favorites
lol, Tucker's a retard. go Komi!
07-07-16 13:47:00

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