Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rally - Peugeot 405 Turbo @ Pikes Peak

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-03 02:03:17
User: thecrawlerstore
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:::: Top Videos of Day

Pikes Peak (USA, Colorado) (Climb Dance) with Ari Vatanen (winner in 1988)


Droidparty ::: Favorites
This was the video that first got me interested in motorsport. I first saw it when I was like seven, and it still gives me tingles when I see it today. Very cool.
07-10-06 00:55:41
joooar ::: Favorites
i like the audi more
07-08-25 05:31:12
Aniramix ::: Favorites
¡Como mola! Menudo alerón que lleva el 405... jeje
07-08-23 18:32:44
mickmickZR205 ::: Favorites
cette video est mythique!!!!! et fais honneur a la marque au lion!!!
07-08-20 19:22:32
gixxerich ::: Favorites
no fear :P just imagine sitting in the passanger seat
07-08-11 21:36:37
thiagoalvesdias ::: Favorites
desliza que nem mantega, quero carro desse pra min
07-08-04 09:37:17
gargametal ::: Favorites
omg, this is how ppl are supposed to drive XD
07-06-24 15:50:55
TomasMorong ::: Favorites
no do pici to mi ho prekur....
07-04-01 16:36:34
westsound ::: Favorites
amaizing pilot
07-03-27 16:00:32
BIGGGY2006 ::: Favorites
craazy guy, in a crazy 405!
07-03-17 20:23:31

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