Saturday, September 15, 2007

Re: One World

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-17 19:11:09
User: cheezwizard
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just got the news

lonelygirll15 ::: Favorites
Very naughty! Those things give women cancer!
07-03-17 12:19:52
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
What kind of message would you like me to put on my ass?
07-01-18 23:48:39
bamapachyderm ::: Favorites
That ridiculous peace&love hippie bullshit was about to make me gag. 1700 morons all saying basically the same thing, because they think it's cool to write on their freakin' hands. THANK YOU for not being one of them. (I'm waiting for someone to post their message on their ass! I won't do it, though!)
06-11-21 01:21:28
cheezwizard ::: Favorites
thank you, ninj. i didn't care for all the sappy BS either. I spreaded the 'real' good news.
06-11-19 23:12:23
homeschoolNinja ::: Favorites
this one is nice, w/o all of the syrupy pseudo-optimism:)
06-11-19 22:08:42
PoliticalThreat101 ::: Favorites
06-11-17 19:57:44
Lyfers ::: Favorites
06-11-17 19:48:43
lacychenault ::: Favorites
06-11-17 19:42:23

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